Arriving at a large urban area proves complex for newcomers who lack familiarity with either the spoken language or social customs. The transport system in Barcelona remains among the best arrangements and easiest to understand in comparison to major cities worldwide. The city ranks as Europe’s fourth most popular tourist destination and you will spot visitors featuring heavily on public transportation alongside local residents because of its speed and affordability. Having access to air-conditioned trips is just one of the advantages you get from using this transportation system. Here are some ways to get about:

Barcelona Metro

The Barcelona metro system has been running since 1863 and transports 412 million people throughout each year. Barcelona’s metro system spreads its 12 lines across 180 stations which ensures that every area remains within easy distance of a transportation stop and brings commuters and tourists together. Public trains operate at regular intervals of 2 – 5 minutes thus offering passengers quick enjoyable service.

You can find more information about the Barcelona Metro here:

Rodalies Barcelona’s Commuter Train

Rodalies trains form Barcelona’s commuter network which allows residents to travel around the city quickly despite being affordable. The network connects all significant train stations across the city which include Placa Catalunya, Espanya, Passeig de Gracia, Arc de Triomf and Sants. Train frequency remains low on this transport network which leads to waiting times between half an hour to one hour long. Be sure to consult timetable information.

You can find more information about the Barcelona Rodalies, including timetables, here:

Barcelona Bus & Tram

The transport network of Barcelona operates its bus fleet from more than 1,000 vehicles which effectively service the entire municipal domain. Passenger journeys on public transport are generally longer but guarantee maximum comfort in transit. Each bus includes air conditioning with plenty of available seating. Furthermore, you will find direct bus routes perform better than metro stops. The city operates three modern tram lines which link neighborhoods that used to be inaccessible through the main transport system.

You can find more information about the Barcelona Trams and Buses, including timetables, here:

Barcelona By Bike

Barcelona achieved its status as one of Europe’s primary cycling cities through the substantial multimillion euro investments made to its cycling infrastructure throughout the last five years. Citizens receive access to state-managed Bicing bikes throughout the city yet these bicycles are available to Barcelona residents only. The city’s flourishing bike rental industry lets you get bikes at 12 euros daily. Barcelona’s perfect weather meets excellent cycling lanes which make pedaling an excellent opportunity to explore the city. Secure your bicycle properly to prevent theft because failure to do so gives thieves a chance.

We urge all participants to sign up for our bike tour experience. Our three-hour tours guide riders through 30 kilometers worth of remarkable Barcelona sites with La Sagrada Familia and the beach amongst them. Barcelona bike rentals are an excellent opportunity to discover the city’s path of travel alongside learning how to bike responsibly on public streets.

Our Free Barcelona Bike Tour offers city rental services while teaching you convenient biking routes.

Barcelona’s Taxi

Spain lacks Uber because of legal reasons although taxi riders will find the vehicles plentiful throughout the city and affordable with their comfort benefits. The entire taxi fleet runs green and red lights on vehicles to signal availability status while taxi drivers understand English well enough to serve many foreign visitors.

You can find more information about getting around Barcelona at the Barcelona government website: