
These jobs are not for everyone, but they are also for everyone. We hire ALL STARS from all kinds of backgrounds. Maybe you have done everything, and maybe you have done nothing. Honestly your experiences are only what you take from them. People come from all backgrounds and we love that. Our customers are the same way and we are looking for people just like them.

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Our winter staff has been re-positioned for the summer in some of our other cities or sadly gone home. As we morn our fallen comrades we are looking to add some Original people to our family. The Original Barcelona Pub Crawl is looking for a number of staff is many positions. Qualified individuals are interesting or have a will to be interesting. We don’t require any specific skills or work experience, but if any (not all) of the skills below apply to you, send us an app!

Out going, Organized, dis-organized but functional, net-worker, fun, funny, hard worker, team player, & energetic.

We are hiring for

-Barcelona Night life Mood Coordinator

– Marketing and promotions

-Barcelona Night Life Specialist

-Tour Guiding

-Advertisement Distribution


As Original Europe Tours, we run cultural, historical, and nightlife tours in numerous European cities. Founded by energetic, young, extroverted and fun people working with us is like working with family. Working with us on BARCELONA’S ORIGINAL PUB CRAWL includes (besides payment) unlimited access to Barcelona’s nightlife, free drinks at our partner venues, (excellent wages) the ability to move up, the ability to move cities, Awesomeness.

Many of our Employees at Original Europe Tours have the opportunity to move cities, switch jobs, and create their own ideas. This is your opportunity to get involved with a big travel company that’s still home grown.

Please send all resumes, job apps and questions to

The best way to get us is whatsapp 
